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西多 Sai Kung Store

西客 Sai Haak - 會員登記| 西多 Sai1 Do1

西客 Sai Haak - 會員登記| 西多 Sai1 Do1


雖然我哋都覺得個世界西都唔一定要做個西人,但諗真啲,西又有咩問題?喺有形無形的壓迫下,喺等待呢個世界的惡報來臨前,如果包拗頸得嚟死唔認輸都係一種「西」,咁點解我哋唔可以試吓一齊西返個世界?做人要西定要Nice都可以選擇 (我地好現實,俾多啲錢就nice架喇),冇話揀咗冇得番轉頭。會員制諗咗好耐,適逢兩周年,唔知醜地邀請大家同我哋一齊行,睇下可以行到幾遠~


有得揀 Plan

西客 - 月費$100 
Sai Haak - Monthly fee $100

▵所有網上團購九折 10% off on all online pre-order purchases
▵活動優先報名 Priority registration for activities
Choose three items of second-hand goods from the community each month (including but not limited to second-hand clothes, books, accessories, household items, pet supplies)
▵「西客」Tee八折優惠  20% off on  Sai-Haak-Tee

Nice 客 年費 - $1000
Nice Guest - Annual fee $1000

▵所有網上團購九折 10% off on all online pre-order purchases
▵活動優先報名 Priority registration for activities
Choose three items of second-hand goods from the community each month (including but not limited to second-hand clothes, books, accessories, household items, pet supplies)▵贈送「西客」Tee 一件 Free Sai Haak-Tee

如何登記 & 續期 Registration & Renewal


Auto-pay via Credit Card

使用優惠 How to Enjoy the benefit?

▵ 利用登記電郵於網上自己落單,輸入優惠折扣碼 SAIHAAK 即可享網上團購9折優惠

Place pre-orders order online using the registered email and enter the discount code "SAIHAAK" for 10%

▵ 憑「西客」會員卡蓋印免費領取二手物 
Present the membership card to enjoy free picking for second-hand goods.
▵ 如需郵寄會員卡或制服,請在填表時留下郵寄地址
If you need the membership card or uniform to be mailed, please provide the mailing address when filling out the form.

定價 $100.00
定價 售價 $100.00
特價 售罄